Jodi Hottel

Jodi Hottel’s most recent chapbook is Out of the Ashes (Pandemonium Press), which came out of her experience with the Tubbs Fire in 2017, when she was evacuated. 


A previous chapbook, Voyeur (WordTech Press) is a collection of ekphrastic poetry, engaging not just with visual art, but also literature and film. 


In 2015, Jodi published a chapbook based on the memoirs of Frank Schueler, a sculptor and friend, who had been raised in Darmstadt, Germany and lost his entire family during a bombing raid. 


Jodi’s first chapbook, Heart Mountain, detailing aspects of the incarceration of Japanese Americans during WWII, won the 2012 Blue Light Press Poetry Prize. She is a sansei, third generation Japanese American. During the second world war, her mother’s family was incarcerated at Heart Mountain, Wyoming.


Jodi has been published in numerous journals, including Nimrod International, Spillway, Ekphrasis, and anthologies from the University of Iowa Press, Tebot Bach, Blue Light Press and the Marin Poetry Center. Her work has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. 


Jodi lives in Sonoma County, CA, with her partner, Gene, and dog, Jessie, and is fortunate to be part of a vibrant poetry community.